PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

bonxai 0.1.1 A Custom Jupyter Widget Library 2024-04-05 15:46:38
jupyter-scatter 0.15.1 An interactive scatter plot widget for Jupyter Notebook, Lab, and Google Colab that can handle millions of points and supports view linking 2024-04-03 00:50:15
OdenGraphQt 0.7.4 Node graph framework for PySide6/PyQt6 that can be implemented and re-purposed into applications. 2024-04-02 10:09:45
jupyter-notepad 0.0.2 A versioned code editor widget for Jupyter 2024-04-01 06:21:33
textology 0.5.1 Textual extensions for creating Terminal User Interfaces 2024-03-31 21:43:04
py5 0.10.1a1 Processing for CPython 2024-03-30 18:33:48
buckaroo 0.6.10 Buckaroo - GUI Data wrangling for pandas 2024-03-29 17:04:42
ipynao 0.8.9 A widget library for controlling Nao 2024-03-29 15:07:58
pdpilot 0.5.5 A Jupyter widget for exploring PDP and ICE plots. 2024-03-22 14:09:04
asqlcell Analytical sql cell for Jupyter 2024-03-22 05:29:55
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